Operation Money Maker - Lets raise £70,000 for our 70th Platinum Jubilee Year - click for details


The following jobs are currently available at West Berkshire Mencap. If you would like to apply please use any of these forms (CV upload, Express interest, Online application), call us on 07812 487 816 or by email at: recruitment@wbmencap.org.

Full Time, Part Time & Bank Support Workers

We are currently looking for Full Time, Part Time and Bank staff to work day shifts.

Salary £11.44 per hour

Flexible contracts to fit around your existing commitments, 2 – 6 days per week.

Join an incredible team and change someone’s life!

What makes us different?

Our staff can never say that they are bored as no two days are the same.

Activities include bowling, swimming, cycling, cinema, music and movement, theme parks and other day trips and occasional holiday abroad, plus many more.

We are seeking to employ permanent and bank staff to work for our service providing care and support to adults with learning disabilities in our supported living units in Newbury.

You will be reliable, flexible, conscientious and have a positive outlook towards supporting people with learning disabilities. Care experience is preferred but not essential, except for bank staff, as training is provided.

For an application pack or further details please contact us on 01635 778125 or by email at: recruitment@wbmencap.org, or download and submit this application form

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