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My Letter of Wishes

Support with difficult conversations about end of life wishes for adults with a learning disability

My Letter of Wishes

West Berkshire Mencap, supported by The Advocacy People and West Berkshire Learning Disability Partnership Board, have identified that speaking to adults with a learning disability can be difficult and distressing and will often be avoided.

However, the people we love and support have the right for their wishes to be heard so we are arranging 3 sessions to support parents / carers / support staff with these conversations.

We will also provide you with an easy read booklet to help you start these conversations.

Please join us at

The Mencap Centre
Enborne Gate,
Enborne Road,
Berkshire RG14 6AT

On one of the dates below :

Thursday 16th November 12.30 to 14.30
Monday 20th November 10.00 to 12noon

Monday 20th November 18.30 to 20.30

Too book a place contact: caz.austin@wbmencap.org or call 01635 41464


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