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Children’s Services

We have been running children’s services for over 20 years for fun and development within a safe environment.

Children’s Summer 2024 – Allocated Day Schedule

How much fun does this look – we are all fully booked for this year – however If you want to look for next year please email caz.austin@wbmencap.org or call the Mencap Centre on 01635 41464.

Disney Day – Please wear a Disney outfit or your favourite Disney item.
Superhero Day – Please wear a superhero costume or your favourite superhero item.
Teddy Bear Picnic Day – Please bring your Teddy Bear
On Film/PJs Party – Please sent your child to the session with Outdoor Clothes and Pyjamas.
Please remember – Sun cream, Sunhats, Wellies, Coats, Money for Ice creams, change of clothes, Snacks, Lunch, Water bottle with name labelled.

for children with additional needs
All abilities welcome
Ages 5-18

Fortnightly on a Thursday 5-6pm (NEW TIME) during term time

16th January
30th January
13th Feburary
6th March
20th March
3rd April

Lead by a qualified dance teacher with many years of LD experience

To book your child’s place email julie.chaundy@wbmencap.org or call 01635 569875

Little Mulberries

West Berkshire Mencap are running a NEW BABY AND TODDLER GROUP on Tuesday Mornings, during term time, between 9.30am and 11.30am for 0-5 year olds.

This new group is run by Emily, one of our Children’s Services Team and at the Mencap Centre in Enborne Gate Newbury.

We are growing the group slowly to give everyone a chance to settle in and not feel overwhelmed.

You can view our videos on our YouTube channel here

West Berkshire Mencap has been running children’s services for over 20 years. Our aim is to operate a safe and happy environment for children aged 0-18 years with a learning disability (with or without a physical disability) to play, have fun and socially interact.

West Berkshire Mencap currently employs two full time and several part time staff to run the services. We offer Holiday fun days, Term time Outreach after school, plus our Outreach service at weekends and school holidays.

The Children’s Services Manager’s role within the organisation is to develop and provide services for children with a learning disability and their families. Please speak to a member of staff about any ideas or services that would benefit your family.

“Whenever Louise visits the Centre she is able to meet and interact with lots of other children, she learns and enjoys a huge range of experiences. Now Louise isn’t clingy, she has fun and a bit of time away from mum too!”
Carol & Louise

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