There are many ways you can support us
DONATIONS to help us maintain and improve essential services
VOLUNTEERING by organising your own event or challenge

GIVING YOUR TIME by volunteering at one of our many events
Lets get busy……………
Supporters can help in many different ways. There are many different volunteering opportunities, from working directly with clients (after being DBS’d) at the Mencap Centre, Link Up, Growing 4 All at Cottismore or on any of our off site projects, to volunteering at fundraising and awareness events or taking part in sponsored events in aid of us. Support can be a one off or ongoing. We are pretty flexible and terribly appreciative!
Some examples of support we have received include:
- Some of our teenage volunteers putting on bands nights for us or persuading their schools to support West Berkshire Mencap.
- Large companies have agreed to allow us to use their purchasing power to get better prices for such things as stationery and furniture. They also donate used goods such as flat screens, furniture and other items.
- Donations, not just of money (which is of course always welcome) but also time, auction or raffle prizes.
- Sometimes support is about banging the drum for us, letting other people know about our organisation, that we are a local charity dependent on contributions and that we provide a wide range of services for people in West Berkshire.
If you would like to support West Berkshire Mencap, make a financial contribution or just be kept up to date with our latest news then please contact us on 01635 41464 or
As a local charity, West Berkshire Mencap has to raise all its own funds to be able to maintain and expand the high quality services it offers, to local people with learning disabilities and their families and carers.
West Berkshire Mencap holds a number of events throughout the year to raise funds and awareness for its services. These vary from family events like our Music Night, to arranging for individuals to enter sponsored events like the British London 10K, to team events like our Quiz Evenings, to awareness raising events like our Fashion Show.
There are many ways that you can help us including:
- Making a donation
- Attending our fundraising events
- Taking part in sponsored events in aid of us
- Becoming a West Berkshire Mencap Champion by arranging or helping at events
- Making us Charity of the Year at your work place
- Donating raffle prizes
Would you like to find out more about our events or how to get involved with our fundraising?
Contact 01635 41464 or

“I love to fundraise for West Berkshire Mencap because I have never met a friendlier, more passionate team that truly believe in what they do. The events that West Berkshire Mencap offers are exciting, fun and appeal to my sense of challenge and adventure. Not just this – you receive the full support of the staff at the events and during your fundraising. It’s so good to do something for a local charity, and help local people: I will continue to fundraise for them because I’ve had such a brilliant time so far.”
Ellie – A West Berkshire Mencap Champion