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Your Choice Services – Supported Living

Your Choice Services

We offer supported living within our own accommodation through Your Choice Services (YCS). Our dedicated YCS team bring fun to the lives of our service users.

Outreach Services

West Berkshire Mencap, providing care and support for Children and Adults with learning difficulties in their own homes.

We have our own accommodation

Jacobs Well
Heffernan House
Stella Maris

We have a Care Quality Commission registered Domiciliary Care Agency called Your Choice Services which provides support and care to adults and children in their own homes and out in the community.

Your Choice Services presents an opportunity to transform the lives of people by offering quality care and support packages to individuals in their own homes.

The objective for meeting the social care need is client centred, outcome focussed support with a specific emphasis on choice designed to meet the key objectives of the personalisation agenda and Valuing People Now (2009).

Services we provide

  • Assistance with personal care.
  • Assistance with shopping.
  • Assistance with domestic chores.
  • Assistance with learning new skills.
  • Assistance with managing moods, emotions and behaviours.
  • Assistance with meal preparation and managing a healthy lifestyle.
  • Assistance with accessing social and recreational activities.
  • Assistance in taking medication or attending medical appointments.
  • Advice on developing personal relationships.
  • Assistance with managing finances.

Other Services

Our ethos is to provide high quality services that the person with a learning disability specifically needs or wants and we will do our utmost to meet the choice expressed by the individual or their representative.

Risk Assessments

All service user activities will be fully risk assessed to ensure safety, to meet legal requirements and to comply with Care Quality Commission guidelines.


In addition to all CQC mandatory recruitment, vetting and barring procedures all staff will be fully trained in working with people with learning disabilities and any specific additional support need.

Person Centred Care Plans

All service users will have a detailed person centre care plan to ensure that outcome focused support needs will be met.

Head of Your Choice Services – Michelle Greenfield michelle.greenfield@wbmencap.org

“We have been using West Berkshire Mencap’s “Your Choice Services” for over two years and purchase support for our adult daughter via her Personal Budget, that we manage on her behalf.

Karen enjoys two types of support from the staff team, a one to one support at a swimming pool and gym once a week, where Karen has made incredible progress both in her fitness levels, but also in her confidence and interaction with various staff members.

Her other one to one session is more flexible, tackling various craft projects with a very talented and artistic staff member as well as shopping and cooking sessions, plus support to meet up with friends for social outings on occasional evenings.

We have found that all the staff involved with Karen have been totally reliable and professional and they have gently encouraged her to try new things and make more decisions for herself. We have the utmost confidence in the whole team and consider ourselves very lucky to have been able to plan Karen’s support with such a caring and supportive organisation.”

Carole & Karen

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